Friday, January 4, 2008

Snow Day!

What better way to start off the new year than with a snow day? School was cancelled. It was so great to not have to get up the 2nd day of January and get all the kids up and out the door...instead we made pancakes, dressed warmly and went outside and played in the powdery stuff called snow. I think we had about 13 inches or more! It was beautiful! Friends came here and then they went to the Ude's and then Hanna's and then to the Wright's. It is so nice to have good neighbors! I think the kids played more outside than they would have on on a normal day.


Nettie said...

That WAS a fun day. Like a late Christmas present! It is really nice to have great neighbors like you, too!

Emy5 said...

Hey Kim! I'm glad you posted! Lovely pic of the kids all together!

Kim Walker said...

Oh my Gosh! I just assumed that you hadn't figured out how to post yet. I'm so happy you are posting on your blog now. What great pictures! How are you? I haven't talked to you in so long! See ya soon,
Kim Wal. . . . .ker

Trent & Lindz said...

What fun pictures! You definitly don't see anything like that here in Arizona. It's pretty nice here righ now acctually. About 63 degree's on average. I love you guys!!!! You're family is beautiful!

Created Amiably said...

GREAT JOB! I am very impressed! Love you

Amanda said...

I really like your slide show! I am glad that you finally figured out how to do it. I really think your blog is super cute. Love you Amanda